10 Years Manufacturing Experience

UAV Cluster

NexFi MF series ad-hoc network module is a set of wireless network communication module realized by MIMO technology, which has the characteristics of small volume, light weight, large bandwidth and long distance.The measured single hop can cover a radius of 20KM, with a maximum support of more than 6 hops, and can support simultaneous video transmission at 16 nodes.After several uavs are launched, they will automatically form a network connection, which can cover a range of hundreds of kilometers by taking advantage of the environmental characteristics of height and no block.


The weight of UAV ad-hoc network relay module is only 300g and 2W transmitting power, providing multiple mounting holes for quick installation on UAV. The module is equipped with network port and serial port, which can be connected to flight control and camera. UAVs can send flight control commands directly through the link of ad-hoc network, so they can work cooperatively without being forwarded by the ground end. The images collected by uav can also be sent back to the ground in real time through the link of ad-hoc network.
